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Your Owners Manual for Life ~ Source Code of Your Soul

Creating You and Facilitating Your Life

~ Foreword by Jack Canfield ~

Source Code is about opening to more possibilities, embracing self-empowerment and living your personal best with ease.

If you're ready to be your authentic self, create and enjoy a phenomenal life, this book is for you.

What if there's a way to fully embrace your personal best, create and live the life you desire - one that's not only simple and easy, but one that actually works?      There is and you can ~ My dear friends, we have the technology!

Your Owner's Manual For Life takes you on the journey of a lifetime by expanding the awareness of the Mind/Body connection and guiding you in utilizing it with confidence and ease.

Based on the observations and experiences of a software engineer and integrative complementary medicine facilitator, Source Code is a compendium of wisdom gleaned from experiential practice incorporating the works of New York Times Bestselling Authors and Internationally Renowned Inspirational Speakers such as Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, and Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (to name but a mere few). Source Code provides you with practical, empowering tools for creating and enjoying a rich, fulfilling life.

You may purchase the book in all formats from Amazon

The Contents/Chapter Summaries are listed below. To read the introductory chapters or access the free Resources,

simply click on the respective content links.

Copyright © 2016 Maureen Marie Damery

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by

any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,

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without the written permission of the author except in the case of

brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book

may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.   

The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use

of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical

problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The

intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help

you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use

any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional

right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.


                     ~ Creating You and Facilitating Your Life ~

Chapter 1: Anatomy of Software and Programming

Hardware/Software & Mind/Body: The Correlation

...In this chapter, you’ll have a brief overview of software development and how it relates to your Mind/Body in rather interesting ways.

Chapter 2: Hardware: Your Brain, Your Body and Your Network

  • Your Brain: Left, Right, the Waves and Your Mind

  • Your Body: Network Communication System – Your Spinal Cord and Nervous System

  • Your Vibrations: Symptoms and Conditions

...In this chapter, you’ll become acquainted with your Mind/Body network and communication systems.

Chapter 3: Are You A Programmer or Subscriber?

...In this Chapter, you’ll review the various influences in your life and the effects they have on your autonomy and wellbeing.

Chapter 4: Metaphysics and The Universal Laws of Nature ~ Living Purposefully In Possibility

...In this chapter, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the Natural Laws and appreciation for their practical use.

Chapter 5: Happiness Is…

...In this chapter, you’ll explore what happiness is for you and embrace an enduring, visceral union with its intrinsic nature.

Chapter 6: Shiny Things & Addictions ~ The Art of Distraction and Self Sabotage

  • The Diversion: When the Subconscious Goes Cyber Shopping

  • The Escape: Path to Affliction or Portal to Reflection?

...In this Chapter, you’ll consider what may be detracting you from living at your full potential and personal best.

Chapter 7: Forgiveness: The Get Well Bouquet You Gift to Yourself

...In this chapter, you’ll explore the virtue of forgiveness at a visceral level. You’ll contemplate what it represents for you and consider some tools and processes to assist you in appreciating more lightness and freedom in your life.

Chapter 8: The Healing Response

...In this chapter, you’ll gain a fresh perspective on dis-ease, healing and rejuvenation.

Chapter 9: Your Aha Moments ~ You, Version Now.Ohhh!

...In this chapter, you’ll mine the gems of your subconscious, expand on your Aha’s and discover some new ones.

Chapter 10: What’s Love Got To Do With It?

...In this chapter, you’ll consider the many aspects of love and the key roles they play in your life as an invitation to embrace unconditional love as your primary expression. 

Chapter 11: The Secret Sauce: Creating From the Inside Out

...In this chapter, you’ll cultivate your personal recipe for living in the magic of life. 

Chapter 12: Moving Forward With Mindful Ease

...In this chapter, you’ll embark on the first day of the Best of your life ~ which, optimally, can be every day.



Very impressive, well-researched book. A comprehensive overview of self-awareness and self-improvement approaches, coupled with the author's personal experiences. The correlation with the world of computers is especially unique and insightful.   ~K.D.M.


This goes directly to the heart. Reading this book is like talking to your best friend. It offers honesty, compassion, deep insight and profound empowerment. I wish I'd found it sooner!   ~Joseph McC.


This book brings clarity and ease to the often illusive and overwhelming in a unique, humorous way. It's rich with insights and proven, practical tools from which I immediately benefited.   Thank You! ~M. Shaw


Maureen has a way of tying things together that make it easier to understand. As I read the words it, was as if she was sitting right next to me having a conversation...very authentic.   ~Patty Jabotte


I have never met anyone so completely dedicated to her vocation as Maureen Damery has been in her relentless pursuit of this book. She is a student of life with a child's sense of wonder, a teacher of healing light and energy and a domestic whirling dervish with enduring love of hearth and home, making all comers feel welcome. Maureen's background in software development, coupled with her deep spiritual commitment to healing the human soul, have converged beautifully to co-create with the divine and birth this incredibly insightful book. Getting lost in it may be the only way to finally find your true self. ~Karen Biscoe, CPC


Maureen is a very gifted healer whose energy and light are a spiritual joy ride.   Her unique and insightful wisdom is imparted with a warm, down to earth sense of humor that is a delight.   Her ability to alter a problem's perception is magic.   One cannot help but to be uplifted by being in her presence. ~Elaine McCall, RN

You may purchase the book in all formats from Amazon

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